Saskatchewan Bus Charter and Tour Company - Odyssey Coach Lines

Daniel O'Donnell Concert

Regina, SK

We have purchased 56 tickets in row C, 7 tables of 8 persons floor level for the 8:00 PM concert on September 18th at Regina Casino Show Lounge. We will fill the bus and take you to Regina, arriving at 4:00 PM. We have booked space at the Union Station restaurant for supper at 5:00 pm. The show starts at 8:00 PM, so you will have some time to play.

* You are responsible to pay for your own supper. If you do not want to attend this restaurant, let us know so we can adjust our numbers.

** Cost includes your ticket to the concert and transportation, and must be purchased at the time of reserving by either check or credit card.

Pickup Times in Saskatoon

  • Lawson Heights Mall in front of London Drugs - 12:45 pm
  • McDonalds Confed - 1:00 pm
  • Market Mall (Freshco doors, West side of mall) - 1:15 pm
  • McDonalds Center Mall - 1:25 pm




(per person, taxes included)


Disclaimer: Odyssey Coach Lines Inc. cannot be held responsible for any changes to a rebate package. Casinos maintain the right to change programs at will.