Regina, SK
We have purchased 56 tickets in row C, 7 tables of 8 persons floor level for the 8:00 PM concert on September 18th at Regina Casino Show Lounge. We will fill the bus and take you to Regina, arriving at 4:00 PM. We have booked space at the Union Station restaurant for supper at 5:00 pm. The show starts at 8:00 PM, so you will have some time to play.
* You are responsible to pay for your own supper. If you do not want to attend this restaurant, let us know so we can adjust our numbers.
** Cost includes your ticket to the concert and transportation, and must be purchased at the time of reserving by either check or credit card.
Pickup Times in Saskatoon
(per person, taxes included)
Disclaimer: Odyssey Coach Lines Inc. cannot be held responsible for any changes to a rebate package. Casinos maintain the right to change programs at will.