Saskatchewan Bus Charter and Tour Company - Odyssey Coach Lines

4 Bears Casino Resort & Shopping in Minot

New Town, ND

Good news! The food court is complete! (You will have 3 spots to choose from, one is pizza, one is burgers and shakes and the third offers homestyle dishes.)
But a little bit of bad news, 4 Bears have increased there room rates as of July 1. (We just found out) GUARANTEED DEPARTURE - we still have seats, please call to book!

** You will need a Passport for this tour, no vaccination requirements anymore.
** For this tour, bring your lunch as we do not stop for lunch on day 1.
** Just about all your meals are covered at 4 Bears.

Spend 3 days and 2 nights at the incredible 4 Bears Casino.


  • $100 exchanged at par with 50 points earned on Players Club Card (first 2 days)
  • $25 free play for day 1 and 2 and $15 free play on last day on Players Club card (+ an extra $30. on Wednesday, Senior Day) $95.00 total in slot play with an opportunity to get more slot play depending on how you play!
  • 4 free drink coupons total
  • 1 Senior Day Buffet (Wednesday, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm)
  • 3 other meal coupons worth $15.00 per person

** We will depart for Minot shopping at the Mall and Walmart at 12:30 pm sharp on Wednesday (approx. 2.5 hours shopping time total).

Pickup Times in Saskatoon

  • Lawson Heights Mall in front of London Drugs - 6:00 am
  • McDonalds Confed - 6:05 am
  • Market Mall - 6:20 am
  • McDonalds Center Mall - 6:40 am

Pickup Times in Moose Jaw

  • NW corner Walmart parking lot - 8:40 am

Pickup Times in Regina

  • Southland Mall food court door, South side - 9:30 am

** Please book ASAP!


January 7-9


(per person, taxes included)

Double: $290

Triple: $257

Quad: $240

Single: $390

Disclaimer: Odyssey Coach Lines Inc. cannot be held responsible for any changes to a rebate package. Casinos maintain the right to change programs at will.